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The Lord God Made Them All Series
Middle School Supplemental Courses

Biblical Nutrition
9 weeks
6th-8th Grades
This class is the last 9 weeks of "The History of Medicine and Biblical Nutrition". After 1 week exploring how our body fights foreign invaders, we will spend 8 weeks on what the Bible says about how we should fuel our body and what the health benefits are when we follow God's instructions. Mrs. Frates likes to call this study, "Make your Home a Cancer Free Zone" in hopes that this information may help some families prevent this dreaded disease.
(Depending on the reading level of your student, approximately 1 hour of homework per day)
Can't get enough of Catie? Unlimited views for 30 day on each of the weekly classes!
Required Textbooks:
(Textbooks are sold separately)
Biblical Nutrition Workbook written by Catie Frates (Download provided with the course)

The Creation Interpretation of Science and History
11 weeks
6th-8th Grades
Embark on an adventure that will validate the absolute accuracy of the Scriptures! Catie has prayfully designed this course from sections of her “Lord God Made Them All” Science Series. This course seeks to equip students to answer the most frequently asked questions about Creation vs. Evolution.
Your student will learn how to interpret the secular sources: library books, nature parks, and documentaries, etc. into a Creation Interpretation preparing them to destroy speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ as commanded in II Corinthians 10:5.
The titles of the eleven classes are:
Class 1 - The Creation Foundation
Class 2 - The Fall & Corruption
Class 3 - The Flood
Class 4 - The Ice Age
Class 5 - The Creation Perspective of Man
Class 6 - Dinosaurs - Jehovah's Park versus Jurassic Park
Class 7 - The Rock Record
Class 8 - Created Kind and The Evolutionary Model of Origins
Class 9 - Conflicting Cosmologies
Class 10 - Starlight and Time
Class 11 - Stars and Stellar Evolution
Can't get enough of Catie? Unlimited views for 30 day on each of the weekly classes!
Required Textbooks:
(Textbooks are sold separately)
The Creation Interpretation Workbook which includes reading, questions, and answer key (Download provided with the course)
History Med

The History of Medicine and Biblical Nutrition
17 weeks
6th-8th Grades
This class is a piece of "A Survey of Man" course described here. We will explore the creation model of man for 3 weeks and medical history for 5 weeks. Then after 1 week exploring how our body fights foreign invaders, we will spend 8 weeks on what the Bible says about how we should fuel our body and what the health benefits are when we follow God's instructions. Mrs. Frates likes to call this study, "Make your Home a Cancer Free Zone" in hopes that this information may help some families prevent this dreaded disease. This course does not include the anatomy portion or the dissection labs.
(Depending on the reading level of your student, approximately 1 hour of homework per day)
Can't get enough of Catie? Unlimited views for 30 day on each of the weekly classes!
Required Textbooks:
(Textbooks are sold separately)
Exploring the History of Medicine by John Hudson Tiner (ISBN: 9780890512487)
Biblical Nutrition Workbook written by Catie Frates (Download provided with the course)
Middle School Full Yr

All Things Bright and Beautiful-Part One
32 weeks
6th-8th Grades
* Can be adapted for use with 1st-8th grades per God's Design Textbooks
We will focus on the sciences that are included in the first four creation days. Our adventure will include an introduction to chemistry, meteorology, oceanography, geology, botany, and astronomy studied in the order in which God created them. This course will be taught from an uncompromising Biblical Worldview including the latest Biblical Scientific Creation Model of Origins which includes a knowledge of fossils, Catastrophic Plate Tectonics Model, the post Flood ice age, dinosaurs, and ancient man. We will glorify the "God of wonder beyond our galaxy" as we worship by studying God's creation.
(Depending on the reading level of your student, approximately 1 hour of homework per day)
Can't get enough of Catie? Unlimited views for 90 day on each of the weekly classes!
Required Textbooks:
(Textbooks are sold separately)
All Things Bright and Beautiful Study Guide written by Catie Frates (Download provided with the course)
God's Design for Heaven & Earth: Our Planet Earth by Richard Lawrence, Debbie Lawrence (2009 Edition, ISBN: 9781600921544)
God's Design for Heaven & Earth: Our Universe by Richard Lawrence, Debbie Lawrence (2009 Edition, ISBN: 9781600921537)
God's Design for Heaven & Earth: Our Weather & Water by Richard Lawrence, Debbie Lawrence (2009 Edition, ISBN: 9781600921551)
God's Design for Life: The World of Plants by Richard Lawrence, Debbie Lawrence (2009 Edition, ISBN: 9781600921599)
All creatures

All Creatures Great and Small, All Things Wise and Wonderful-Part Two
32 weeks
6th-8th Grades
** Can be adapted for use with 1st-8th grades per God's Design Textbooks
Students will be fascinated with the creatures created on the 5th and 6th days of creation from the smallest microbes to the most gargantuan dinosaurs and whales. The second semester will focus on God's grand finale of creation, mankind. We will explore human anatomy and how we are fearfully and wonderfully made, completing our adventure by looking at health and biblical nutrition.
(Depending on the reading level of your student, approximately 1 hour of homework per day)
Can't get enough of Catie? Unlimited views for 90 day on each of the weekly classes!
Required Textbooks:
(Textbooks are sold separately)
Your Body and How it Works by Pat and Barb Ward (ISBN: 9781580371117)
All Creatures Great and Small, All Things Wise and Wonderful - Volume 2 of "The Lord God Made Them All" Science Series written by Catie Frates (Download provided with the course)

Florida Science: An Environmental Science Adventure
32 weeks
6th-8th Grades
This is a great environmental study for students anywhere, while taking an adventure with us in the Sunshine State! This course will explore Florida animals, plants, flowers, trees, geography, geology, climate, weather, and is a good introduction to the science of ecology. Using the richly illustrated secular textbook Priceless Florida, this will be a great opportunity for the students to learn how to translate evolutionary interpretations into a Biblical worldview. Floridians will understand and appreciate their home state in a whole new way.
(Depending on the reading level of your student, approximately 1 hour of homework per day)
A list of suggested field trips is offered for your family to enhance your Sunshine State Science adventure! Online fieldtrips and activities are assigned to further the student's experience (we recommend that parents accompany students with all internet activities).
Can't get enough of Catie? Unlimited views for 90 day on each of the weekly classes!
We now offer this class for families with both Middle and High School students in a combined format! Click below for details.
Required Textbooks:
(Textbooks are sold separately)
Priceless Florida: Natural Ecosystems and Native Species (ISBN 9781561643080)
Florida Science Workbook written by Catie Frates (Download provided with the course)
Literature-based Florida History Outline provided free of charge.
survey of man

Survey Of Man
32 weeks
6th-8th Grades
This course will focus on our Creator's grand finale, mankind and how we are to exercise proper stewardship of our bodies. We will explore the creation model of man for 3 weeks, medical history for 5 weeks, and then dive into 10 of the 11 body systems. We will not cover the reproductive system in class due to its delicate nature. Then after 1 week exploring how our body fights foreign invaders, we will spend 8 weeks on what the Bible says about how we should fuel our body and what the health benefits are when we follow God's instructions. Mrs. Frates likes to call this study, "Make your Home a Cancer Free Zone" in hopes that this information may help some families prevent this dreaded disease. This class includes dissections of a sheep's heart, calf's eye, and fetal pig among other experiments.
(Depending on the reading level of your student, approximately 1 hour of homework per day)
Can't get enough of Catie? Unlimited views for 90 day on each of the weekly classes!
We now offer this class for families with both Middle and High School students in a combined format! Click below for details.
Required Textbooks:
(Textbooks are sold separately)
Margaret Matt Human Anatomy Coloring Book (Dover Coloring Book) (ISBN: 9780486241388)
Your Body and How it Works by Pat and Barb Ward (ISBN: 9781580371117) (available through Christian Book Distributors)
Exploring the History of Medicine by John Hudson Tiner (ISBN: 9780890512487)
Biblical Nutrition Workbook written by Catie Frates (Download provided with the course)
Creation Workbook written by Catie Frates (Download provided with the course)
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