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Our courses work beautifully in Co-Op settings! Each student will have the benefits of our online courses (and access to Catie Frates), while having the ability to work through the course as a group and at home at their own pace! Don't forget the discount (see Bulk Buy Details)!
The courses are set up to give freedom to families and Co-Ops. They allow Co-Ops to use the allotted time as they wish, while making sure the students are learning the material without all the pressure on the proctor. So you have all the advantages without the drawbacks.
Give your students the best of all worlds! Prepare them with a solid scientic foundation to excel on standardized tests and in college while enjoying group learning!
**Now all courses can be accessed in the order you wish to accodate our Classical Conversations students.
Note: We do not offer additional Co-Op courses; we offer Online Classes that can be used in a Co-Op setting. We offer a group discount (Bulk Buys) and suggestions on how to use our courses in a Co-Op environment.
It is the Co-Op's responsibility to:
1) Organize the Co-Op structure
2) Execute the chosen Co-Op structure
We DO provide course support (science questions, etc.) for ALL individuals that purchase the course(s).
*Please note: the following are Co-Op organization suggestions ONLY. We do not offer "Co-Op courses", the suggestions outlined in this document are to be used at your discretion.
Upon request, we would be glad to send our patrons course syllabi so that they can be customized for their Co-Op student group. The dates and details are not assigned and are the responsibility of the Co-Op organizer.
1. Have students follow the course syllabus and watch the "online class session" the day
BEFORE the co-op sessions.
2. Possible activities for co-op sessions:
-Some labs are left out of the Online syllabus for lack of time. However, the co-op administrator could opt to do live labs with the students during the sessions.
-Watch labs on "Online Class Session" and then have the students complete these labs themselves in class together.
-Sharing lab observations and conclusions together can stimulate great class discussions. This should be done before students take their test if at all possible.
Group Grading
-Grade tests together every two weeks at the beginning of session before starting new modules. Co-op administrators would have students re-watch or wait to watch the grading portion of the "Online Class Session" where the test is being graded.
-Co-op administrator may opt to grade lab write ups and other homework assignments.
Group Discussions
-Ask students to bring up areas they found interesting and areas with which they struggled as you go through the assigned portion of the module so the students may interact and help one another.
- Go over all On Your Own questions and Study Guide questions when applicable.
-Co-op administrator may opt to assign short oral reports on subjects within the modules to be shared in co-op sessions when appropriate.
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