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"Because of you, Julia wants to study cell biology and immunology. How amazing are you!!!????? Science would have been my children’s least favorite subject without you. I never cared for it in school, I would not have focused on it. I would’ve eeked it out because I had to. But instead, God has blessed my children with you. Everyday she studies science with so much enthusiasm and confidence because you inspire her on so many levels."

(Parent Testimonial)


"Our son has always loved nature - God's creation - ever since he was a little boy.  His fascination began with bugs when he was only one and half years old.  By age two, he had a dinosaur that appeared to be surgically attached to his hand!  He never enjoyed Fairy Tales, he always wanted me to read books about dinosaurs, insects, animals and reptiles.  As soon as he learned to read on his own, he devoured these kinds of books.  Unfortunately, there were SO many lies hidden within them.  Things even I  knew nothing about, like the world being billions of years old and one type of animal evolving into another kind of animal.  Our son, now 12, was blown away learning God's TRUTH in his study this year with Mrs. Frates.  Now, I hear him teaching his friends when talking about fossils, rocks, dinos, reptiles and animals.  There's no doubt, we see science in our son's future career and we overjoyed to know that he, a Christian, will be on the battlefield fighting for Truth. "

(Parent Testimonial)


"Thank you for your hard work...Once again a wonderful time to see how amazing and wonderful our God was, is, and will be....I get thrilled right to the back of my spine and from my head to my toes....GOD IS POWERFUL...........His creation is mind blowing.....the scales have been removed only by His Holy Spirit...TRUTH ..  Shane loved your class and he saw the passion you have for Jesus Christ..keep running hard for Him , kids are watching...(so are parents) You are doing all for the glory of Christ...amazing grace that saved a wretch like me, why me?"

(Parent testimonial)


"I've been very impressed with this class and its participation. The majority of the students seem to be very engaged and Catie does a great job of keeping them involved and learning. The review at the beginning of class on the "classes" of plants and animals is especially good as they aren't just listening to lecture. I think it gets them thinking about what they are learning from the start of class. Initially we had some homework issues but Catie addressed them as they came up. At this point everyone is up to date and some are ahead on the vocabulary. It is a beautiful thing to see the students engaging, asking questions and learning."

(Parent testimonial)


"We are so thankful to God for you. Thank you so much for investing in the lives of our children."

(Family Testimonial)


"I was a fan of Catie Frates’ work before I ever even met her. I even wrote a research paper based on some of her writing. I remember seeing her speak at the homeschool convention and meeting her afterward and being SO completely starstruck! I had no idea that I would be blessed to have her not only as my science teacher, but role model and friend. In Mrs. Frates’ class, I was able to learn complicated concepts in ways that made sense. The best part was that the teaching of the creation wasn’t separated from the Creator, as so many science classes do. It was this worldview that laid a solid foundation for me as I entered science classes at a secular university. I even took my high school chemistry book with me to college, because college chemistry was SO hard and not taught very well. I see all science through the lens of creation – something I may not have been able to do as well had I not taken Mrs. Frates’ class. It would have been much easier for me to become slightly “brainwashed” by the secular education had I not been so firmly rooted in the truth. Mrs. Frates’ classes prepared me for that before I graduated. This past year, I tried to iChat the Creation Apologetics class from NY. Unfortunately, with my schedule, it didn’t work out, but I still have all the articles. They address many of the questions peers and adults have thrown at me in college. This semester, I’m taking a public speaking course and I’m talking on Intelligent Design. I’m using these articles as one of my main sources. The best part is, I already know so much of the information, that really all I have to do is review and organize. I’m so excited (and slightly nervous) for the opportunity to speak about this in the most liberal environment I have ever encountered. I know the Holy Spirit is at work through me and I just want to be obedient. The great part is, I’ve already received several positive comments on my topic, my passion for it, and my ability to communicate clearly and effectively. My teacher and some other students have given me this feedback. One student said he was excited to hear my final speech, and even asked if I planned on going into this professionally and speaking on it around the country. As I put this speech together, I’m realizing that many of the points I’m making are not things from books, but things I remember from Mrs. Frates’ classes and lectures. I am excited for the final product. Had I never taken Mrs. Frates’ class, I would have never even known that I have the passion for Creation Science, nor would I have been so prepared to face the opposition. It is my belief in God that shapes my life, and Mrs. Frates taught me that Creation tells us about the Creator. I don’t have to sacrifice “good science” to have faith in God – they go together! In fact, they are inseparable. The world today suggests otherwise. So thank you Mrs. Frates for offering up your gifts to teach me. I know the fruits of your labor will continue to multiply. I am beyond blessed to have the wisdom of Mrs. Frates poured into my life. "

(Student Testimonial)


"I can't put into word how much I enjoy your class and how much I am learning, thank you for giving your time to teach, and I am sure I will use my knowledge of God's creation for years to come."

(Student Testimonial)


"I am so thankful to have you as a Science teacher. I learn so much from you, and you make it interesting! You are awesome!."

(Student Testimonial)


"Thank you so much for teaching me the complex way of God's creation. I enjoy being taught by a teacher that follows in the ways of God. Thank you for giving me a strong biblical foundation that will never be shaken. "

(Student Testimonial)


"You're an awesome teacher! Thank you for teaching with such passion"

(Students Testimonial)


"Thank you for being a awesome teacher. You make learning so much fun. I thank God everyday that I have a wise and smart teacher that is a Christian"

(Student Testimonial)


"Just wanted to send you a note to let you know how much I have appreciated your teaching this year. I love your enthusiasm for biology. I have always liked science ,but you have really inspired me to want to learn more. Your class has also helped me to know more about God's creation, and how we are right and the evolutionists are wrong!!!!!"

(Student Testimonial)

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